Sunday, March 25, 2012

Beautiful Book Charms

My wonderful Auntie Gretchen made these key chains and necklaces - yes, made them - for me to sell for Spain. They're very beautiful,unique, intricate, and wonderfully crafted. And there are lots of different ones! Necklaces are $25, and key chains are $20. Let me know if you're interested, or if you know someone who is!

this is my favorite (:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quite the Storm

It just keeps snowing and snowing!
It's a nice excuse to stay inside and eat waffles and do nothing.

Oh, and I was featured in the Daily Sun today! Check it out! (I look like a dork.)
Picture from Fundraiser

And here's some random art.
Just in the past few days I've finally had the chance to finish this book, and I loved it so so much. I totally recommend it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

An Update and Some Art

Hey Everyone! I've been meaning to do this post since the First Friday Fundraiser, but have been very busy and had trouble finding the time. Anyways, the fundraiser went really, really well and I'd like to thank everyone who came and supported me! Y'all are fabulous. Also, I'd like to thank Gretchen Gooby, Kimi Hernandez, Thomas and Amee Byers, and my mom especially for helping me so much and being so supportive.

In addition, I've decided that to make this blog more interesting, I'm going to post some of my art or writing every few days - so be sure to follow! In case you don't know me personally, I have a lot of variation in my art style. I create both digital art using my tablet and ink&watercolor paintings quite often, but am trying to explore as many different art genres as I can. Also, if you have any constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it as I'm constantly trying to improve.

Here's some recent pieces to start off (: 

From one of my favorite books

A self-portrait - not incredibly accurate

Ink drawing
Oh, and I still have notecards for sale! Don't be afraid to contact me if you want some - 5 unique designs for just $12!