Or, more accurately, half way and three weeks! I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, as sometimes it feels like I've been gone forever and sometimes like I only left last week. Everyone always says that the second half of exchange goes way faster, and so far I'm not having any trouble believing this; in just 3 weeks I will be going to London, in 4 and a half weeks there's spring break (and hopefully I'll be doing part of the Camino de San Tiago) and then April with possible trips to Barcelona and Alicante, in May there's the last AFS orientation of the year, and at the end of June I'll be headed back home. My last day of school is June 25th, but our exams will be finished by the 14th.
A week ago, we had the AFS Midway Orientation in Toledo Friday through Sunday. It was the best AFS orientation I've been to so far, haha; really relaxed and entertaining. We stayed in a hostel that used to be a castle, placed on a hill overlooking the oldest part of Toledo. Throughout the time we were there we did a few activities (mostly on stereotyping if I remember correctly) did a 3 hour "scavenger hunt" in Toledo (we had to find out different facts about the city and ask people for help) and had a fiesta for Carnaval. Nobody slept much, but we talked a whole lot in Spanish! It was amazing comparing it to our previous orientations - we didn't need the volunteers to talk in English at all!
Speaking of Spanish, I consider mine to be coming along pretty well. I understand everything my teachers say (I don't have an excuse not to do the work any more unfortunately... :b) and can actually participate in class. I can also talk with my friends a lot more, read books at a more normal pace and understand Spanish music.
I can't really think of anything more to add at the moment, but feel free to leave questions if you have any! Hope everyone's doing well!