Sunday, August 5, 2012

School in Spain

I recently found out that I have been ok'd to go to school at I.E.S. Ítaca in Alcorcon, enrolled in the equivalent of 11th grade. It's about 10 minutes from my house, so I will either walk or bike. Here are some pictures:

I've been placed in the Social Sciences course (in Spain once students reach a certain grade they can choose a more specified area of study, depending on what they want to do). I think this will definitely be the best course if I want to try and transfer credits back. Also, it's not the Sciences course, which I really really did not want to be placed in. For those of you with not as much understanding of Spanish, it looks like I will be taking Spanish (Castellana) Language and Literature, English language, Philosophy and Citizenship (not entirely sure what that means), Contemporary World Sciences, P.E, Religion (these are required for the grade), World History, Math, Economics (these are the "Social Sciences" classes), and one of the "Optativas" courses (I'm kind of hoping they'll let me take French).

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