Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last Post from Flagstaff

It's noon here, and in just a few short hours I will be on my way down to Phoenix with my mom because I need to be at the airport tomorrow for my flight to New York at 5 AM. It's hard to believe that I won't sleep in my bed, eat at our table, or draw at my desk for 10 whole months. I have spent some time being sad about this, but I'm not anymore. I am excited (and probably not nearly prepared enough!) for this adventure. Besides, I'll be back in what will probably seem like no time at all.

I spent my last full day in Flagstaff yesterday climbing to the Mt. Humphrey's summit with Blake. It was the perfect way to spend my last day. It took us 6 hours for the whole hike, and afterwards we just about collapsed. I'm am going to miss beautiful Flagstaff and the trails so much, but it will be so fun to experience city life

I think I am finally done packing. I'm glad that I can bring along my ukulele (thanks again Simon I love it so much, and thanks everyone for signing it <3). Last to pack is some art things that I'm still using...

I am so grateful to my mom for helping me with everything. I could not have done it without you. I'm sorry I've been snappy, I hope you know how much I appreciate your help and how much I'm going to miss you.

I'm not good with goodbyes, sorry guys. Goodbye seems too final. But I will miss you all, and can't wait to see you again in 10 months! Have a great year.

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